MMC Oil and Gas Engineering Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of MMC Corporation Bhd was formed in 1984 to provide complete engineering design services to the oil & gas and petrochemical industries.
The services cover primarily the following areas:- Design Engineering of offshore oil & gas production and processing facilities
- Design Engineering of onshore receiving facilities and loading terminals
- EPCC projects of facilities
Our Head Office is located at Unit 1-1, Ground Floor of Menara Promenade in Kuala Lumpur with flexibility to expand to meet project requirement. We also have a satellite office in Kerteh, (Terengganu), Miri (Sarawak), and one overseas branch in Jakarata (Jakarta).
MMC O&G has enjoyed a steady growth since inception, with staff numbering over 460 people, comprising experienced engineers, draughtspersons and support personnel.
AVAILABLE VACANCIES- Junior Electrical Engineer - 4 Vacancies
KL Office :
MMC Oil & Gas Engineering Sdn. Bhd
(A Member of MMC Corporation Berhad)
Unit 1-1, Ground Floor,
Menara Promenade,
189, Jalan Tun Razak
50400, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel : 603-2173 2543
Please submit your CV/resume to my email @
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salam jamal...aku dah hantar resume aku kat ko...harap ko sudi tolong aku eh...aku dah interview banyak gak company tapi x dapat lagi..mungkin x de rezeki..tolong aku eh jamal...thank byk2...
Waalaikumussalam Ewan,
Alhamdulillah ak dah terima email resume ko. Nanti hari rabu aku forward resume ko kat secretary boss aku. InsyaAllah kalo ade rezeki nanti die panggil datang interview.
Tapi aku x janji pape tau. Aku tolong sekadar mana yang aku mampu. Gud Luck ye. dah anta resume...mohon jasa baik yerk...
InsyaAllah nanti Jamal tengokkan ye.
Saya ada email resume saya..tolong submit kn kepada yg berkenaan...
Untuk makluman anda semua. Hanya candidates yang CGPA above 3.0 dan majoring in Power sahaja akan dipertimbangkan. Kepada sesiapa yang tidak menepati syarat diatas harap maklum permohonan anda tidak berjaya.
Terima Kasih..:-)
salam Jamal,
Saya ada foward resume kat email yahoo awak. Thanks for the info.
Waalaikumussalam Fathehah,
InsyaAllah nanti Jamal review dulu resume tue ye..
salam...ade vacancy utk civil engineering? saya fresh graduate dr UTM sgt berminat nak join oil and gas field.
waalaikumussalam cik nazirah.
kalau untuk civil tue kena tanye HR terus la..boleh call no nie ye. Gud Luck
+603-21616000 pemegang dip process instrumentation and control dr GMI..ade tak post yg sesuai utk sy?
Boleh call no diatas tue ye. Direct no ke HR department terus.
a'kum jamal. nice blog. berminat sangat dalam OnG industry. ada beberapa soalan
1. apa job field yang sesuai for diploma holder (electrical eng) in OnG company?
2. FYI, weekday saya kerja n weekend continue study at space UTMKL. jadi jika kerja sebagai expeditor adakah on syif?
Waalaikumusalam Shahir,
1)Kalau nak join Oil&Gas consultant, post yang sesuai ialah Drafter. Dan kalau join Service Provider or Main Player Oil & gas, post Technician la.
2)Itu Jamal tak pasti la shahir..sorry ye
salam, sye ingin bertanye adakah jawatan diatas dibuka untuk fresh graduated?
Waalaikumussalam afiq,
Ye,fresh grad boleh apply..tetapi permohonan sudah ditutup. Harap maklum ye
Assalamualaikum .....
Sy nk tnyer cmner nk antr resume sy kat En Jamaluddin... leh bg alamat e-mel x..
Cuba baca entry/post nie sampai habis-habis dulu. Kan saya dan letakkan alamat e-mail kat atas tue..aish..
post utk estimator/cost engineer de vacancy x jamal?
Assalamualaikum .....
En. Jamal..Saya ada emailkan resume saya untuk buat internship dalam bulan june..harap sangat dapat...En. Jamal tolong ya
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