Cara Tukar Warna Background Sidebar


  1. Open Design tab then Edit HTML tab.
  2. Find the following code:

    /* Variable definitions
    <Variable name="keycolor" description="Main Color" type="color" default="#66bbdd" value="#66bbdd"/>
  3. Paste the following right below the step 2 code:

    <Group description="Sidebar Background" selector="body">
    <Variable name="sidebar.bgl.color" description="Left Sidebar BG Color" type="color" default="#DCDCDC" value="#DCDCDC"/>
    <Variable name="sidebar.bgr.color" description="Right Sidebar BG Color" type="color" default="#666666" value="#666666"/>
  4. The result of step 2 and step 3 codes will look like this:

    /* Variable definitions
    <Variable name="keycolor" description="Main Color" type="color" default="#66bbdd" value="#66bbdd"/>

    <Group description="Sidebar Background" selector="body">
    <Variable name="sidebar.bgl.color" description="Left Sidebar BG Color" type="color" default="#DCDCDC" value="#DCDCDC"/>
    <Variable name="sidebar.bgr.color" description="Right Sidebar BG Color" type="color" default="#666666" value="#666666"/>

  5. After that, find ]]></b:skin> and paste the following code just before it:

    .column-left-inner, column-left-outer { background: $(sidebar.bgl.color); }
    .column-right-inner, column-right-outer { background: $(sidebar.bgr.color); }

  6. Preview and Save your template.
  7. Open Template Designer & go to the 'Advanced' tab. You'll see the first option as 'Sidebar Background'. Open it and configure the color of right or left sidebar backgrounds!

Try it and Good Luck
"Sharing Is Caring"

Cara Tukar Warna Background Sidebar | background sidebar | warna background sidebar | tukar warna sidebar | cara tukar warna sidebar | tutorial tukar warna background sidebar |


Unknown said...

Terima kasih bro Jamal kongsi tutorial ni

Ir. Jamal said...


"Sharing Is Caring"

Kembara Lalu said... xleh wat pon...asyik error je

Ir. Jamal said...


Saudara pakai template ape. Tutorial nie hanya untuk blog yang pakai TEMPLATE DESIGNER je. Kalo pakai classic template mungkin lain caranya.

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