MMC Oil and Gas Jobs (June 2011)

MMC Oil and Gas Engineering Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of MMC Corporation Bhd was formed in 1984 to provide complete engineering design services to the oil & gas and petrochemical industries.
The services cover primarily the following areas:

  • Design Engineering of offshore oil & gas production and processing facilities
  • Design Engineering of onshore receiving facilities and loading terminals
  • EPCC projects of facilities
Our Head Office is located at Unit 1-1, Ground Floor of Menara Promenade in Kuala Lumpur with flexibility to expand to meet project requirement. We also have a satellite office in Kerteh, (Terengganu), Miri (Sarawak), and one overseas branch in Jakarata (Jakarta).
MMC O&G has enjoyed a steady growth since inception, with staff numbering over 460 people, comprising experienced engineers, draughtspersons and support personnel.


Click to enlarge

Please submit your CV/resume to not later than 30 June 2011 or direct contact to :-

KL Office :
MMC Oil & Gas Engineering Sdn. Bhd
(A Member of MMC Corporation Berhad)
Unit 1-1, Ground Floor,
Menara Promenade,
189, Jalan Tun Razak
50400, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel : 603-2173 2543

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Baiz Mamat said...

Mr Baiz mesti x layak..sebab lain bidang..hehe

Ir. Jamal said...

Yeke..takpe la, InsyaAllah ade rezeki kat tempat lain punye

ewanrani said...

perghh sume yang ade experience nie jamal...aku interview 22hb nie...aku fresh garduate bleh dapat ker x tah MMC company nie..papahal aku cuba sebaik mungkin...doakan kejayaan aku...hehe...

Ir. Jamal said...

InsyaAllah kalau ade rezeki tue dapat la wan. Aku dulu interview fresh jugak..Alhamdulillah rezeki..doa dan buat sebaik mungkin nanti..

misscha said...

kalau QS boleh masuk ke O&G x?

Ir. Jamal said...

hehe..ntah la misscha..tapi as long ade engineering background boleh je masuk..and make sure result gempak la baru dapat...

aBu said...

dh apply tapi lum dpt interview lg..smlm baru je ikut boss jumpe org MASER kt bangunan KENANGA sebelah MMC, huhu..

Ir. Jamal said...

InsyaAllah..kalau ade rezeki ade la diorang panggil interview tue..:-)

shafira said...

assalamualaikum en. jamaluddin..terima kasih diatas perkongsian en tentang vacancy ni.
saya baru dapat kol untuk interview 23 jun ni.

saya nak tahu sikit pasal interview. biasanya dia akan tanya apa semasa interview? lebih kepada teknikal atau pasal silibus masa study ataupun pengalaman semasa LI atau cuma soft skill.

Saya juga nak tahu interviewer nanti manager ke? biasanya lepas interview berapa hari en. jamaluddin tunggu untuk dipanggil?

saya harap en. boleh berkongsi serba sedikit pasal ini. terima kasih...

Ir. Jamal said...


Untuk post ape nie cik shafira..cuba call HR untuk maklumat lanjut..

hamba Allah said...

salam jamal,

pos electrical engineer 2 open lg ke?

bpe agak2 ek ley dpt expected salary utk exp 2 taon?

Ir. Jamal said...


Dah tuttp dah..Sorry ye

mohd razif said...

Assalamualaikum Jamal...

Saye Raz from utm skudai..nak mintak pendapat ler sikit.rabu nie kawan dijemput g interview untuk position graduate instrument engineer kat worleyparsons kl..based on your experiences interview agak2 ape yang die akan tye yew? lagi satu worleys nie consultant company macam mmc ke?xbape clear sangat different between "worleyparsons" and "ranhill-worley parsons"..boley tolong jelaskan sikit..agak2 salary/month tok fresh graduate berapa yang die akan bagi yew if some1 get hire??

Ir. Jamal said...

Waalaikumussalam Razif,

Ranhill-worleyparsons nie joint venture diantara Ranhill dengan Worleyparsons.

Mengenai soalan interview dan salary tue saya tak pasti la, kena tanya orang yang kerja disana. Sebab lain company lain cara interview die kan. Good Luck ye.

Ir. Jamal said...

salary ranhill-worley untuk fresh dalam 2.7k kalau tak silap la.



Ir. Jamal said...

Waalaikumusalam Zul,

InsyaAllah kalau ade lagi vacancies untuk fresh grad nanti Jamal kongsikan disini. Kalau Zul rajin, boleh jugak ushar di Jobstreet, di bahagian Oil & Gas section.

Good Luck

Anonymous said...

Salam en Jamal..

hehe sy follower yg ke-500..cntik no..
sbnrnyer da 2,3 minggu sy jmpe blog ni..bnyk info kt sni..bagus. Sy ada gk apply kt mmc xda respon pape lg stakt ni..pepun blog en jamal memg bgus,..bleh jmpe bnyk oil & gas cmpany pnyer job..Harap2 en jamal truskan la bkongsi info2 pluang keje cmni ea..kitorang pn senang trus je msuk blog ni cari keje kosong..hehe.

Ir. Jamal said...


Kalau takde respons faham-faham je la. Tak berjaya la tue, kalau nak confirmkan lagi, kenapa tak call je HR tanye diorg. Kena usaha sikit, kalau nak harapkan diorang yang call kita memang susah kadang-kadang. kena push sikit..

InsyaAllah Jamal kongsikan mana yang termampu, tue pun kalau tak busy kerja la..

shafie said...

assalam ade inteview kt MMC rabu ni for engineer post..emm,nak tye gak ape soaln2 yg brkmungkinan dtye..risau pn ade ni..pls share your exp. bro...thanks

shafie said...

assalam ade intview ari rabu ni kt MMC for engineer post..bro leh share pglmn x camane die nye itview going on..and lg nak tau gak ape soalan2 yg berkemungkinan,arap leh tlg..thanks bro...

Ir. Jamal said...

Post ape, engineer department mane..

shafie said...

yg sy tau MMC ngah crik engineer utk kje2 double track diorg jv with gamuda....agak2 ape soaln2 nye ek?..thanks bro

Ir. Jamal said...

Itu MMC-Gamuda la shafie. Nie MMC Oil & Gas...

cik a!m! said...

got interview for process engineer this friday..sgt neves since 1st time interview since graduated. T_T

Ir. Jamal said...

Gud Luck ye cik Aimi..:-)

mira said...

got interview for process engineer too..dia ty ape eh time interview?ade soklan2 theory ke?

Ir. Jamal said...

Sorry la ye. Jamal nie Electrical Engineer..untuk Process Engineer tak tahu la soalan ape yang diorang tanye..:-)

cik a!m! said...

okey, nk tny soalan bodoh..
pukul bape opis hour mmc ek?
need to report diri next isnin tpi terlmpau excited smp lupe tny opis hour..haiyo. :P

Ir. Jamal said...

Sorry for late reply..

Masuk keje pukul 8.15..balik pukul 5.30

Anonymous said...

salam encik jamal,
saya nak bertanya bilakah selalunya keputusan interview akan dimaklumkan oleh pihak mmc? untuk makluman encik, sy interview utk jwtn under instrument.terima kasih

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